Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Saundhi meeti ki kushbu….

Taken during my last trip to the countryside in India….

Being so far- they almost seem iconic!
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Please double click on the picture if you would like to see bigger/sharper images


Tarun Mitra said...

Second shot is much much better..

And yes food cooked on such gas is really tasty...they have their own distinct aroma

Mohan said...

I second that. Cooking food that way actually add on to the aroma of the food which in turn increases the appetite :)

It is still a common scene in the villages in India.

Sultan said...


Jeevan said...

Taste of India, whatever is cooked with fire wood on mud stove and in mud vessels has a unique taste. Well captured!

AJEYA RAO said...

Thats a beautiful capture. So full of story.

Brajdeep Singh said...

i think ,you visited in west uttar pradesh ,
nice picture
but ,it is not real story,real story is another
do u know ,what is burning in this chullah
we called it 'chullah'

Mridula said...


Anonymous said...

I long to go to India someday...

Sujata said...

Tarun Mitra – I am glad than that youliked the second shot and I include it! It was an after thought to publish…

Mohan – you know when I see it here with a bit of distance, I don’t think of food but what this method implies- all things Indian….

Laoch of Chicago –thanks!

Jeevan – You know next time I go there I have to ty it out!

AJEYA RAO –thanks!

abhay –what is the real story? :-)

Mridula –thanks!

the Lost Earring hopefully sometime soon!